Hong Kong’s first B2C eCommerce company successfully listed on HKEX Main Board | Stock Code: 2347.HK
Hong Kong’s first B2C eCommerce company successfully listed on HKEX Main Board | Stock Code: 2347.HK
Rank #1 in consumer electronics and home appliances in terms of web traffic
Founded in March 2013, Yoho is a pioneer and one of the leading players among the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) e-commerce platforms in Hong Kong. We gained enormous popularity among consumers in Hong Kong, with over 2,290,000 monthly active users (according to Google Analytics data in March 2022) and over 960,000 registered members.
Site ranking in our category(1)
Monthly page views(2)
19 million+
Active users(2)
2.29 million+
Annual completed orders(3)
Google public rating of retail store(4)
4.5 / 5
Online order review(4)
8.9 / 10
Offline order review(4)
9.4 / 10
Self pickup order reviews(4)
9.4 / 10
(1) Alexa Traffic Analysis, as at 6 September 2021
(2) Google Analytics, March 2022
(3) FY21/22, for the year ended 31 March 2022
(4) Customer post-shopping experience evaluation system, as at 31 December 2021
Google Map's public rating*
Our retail stores' ratings on Google Maps were 4.7/5 (Cheung Sha Wan Flagship Store) and 4.4/5 (Kwun Tong Store). There were 426 and 1278 public reviews for Cheung Sha Wan Flagship Store and Kwun Tong Store (*Data as of December 31, 2021). We strongly encourage each customer to rate their shopping experience so we can monitor the service level and make improvements.
Top-quality product selection
There are more than 24,000 different products available on our platform. To ensure product quality and customer satisfaction, we carefully select what products we make available to customers. In addition, our customers contributed more than 150,000 authentic reviews on YOHO. They offer fair and objective perspectives to both our customers and us.
Authentic reviews
即日下單,隔日就送左黎! 冇諗過咁快,留係屋企唔洗出門就買到,好方便
Member Albeelsc
Member Jess Llt
Member Fukuyama
Member Joyce P C